我們成立呢間 (Teage) “茶記” 既目的是希望移英港人能夠在英國都飲到一杯有質素既奶茶,同埋藉著呢杯奶茶令英國當地人能夠認識香港既港式奶茶文化同味道,從而了解到英國和香港在歷史上有著緊密的聯係。”我們在曼城制作,並希望透過不同的渠道讓我們的奶茶送到英國每個愛好港式奶茶既朋友手上”
“We started in Manchester and wish to reach everyone around the United Kingdom”
The purposes to start this Company “Teage” (茶記) which we hope everyone in the UK can have a chance to enjoy a good quality of Hong Kong style milk tea which brewed by traditional craftsmanship, is one of intangible culture heritage of Hong Kong and promote this tea culture and history to the people in the UK and remind them there was a long history between UK and Hong Kong in the past.